Why Would a Dental Implant Fail? Ask Your Concord Periodontist!
August 3, 2017
Patients missing one or more teeth are interested in dental implant supported tooth replacement options, but many of them worry that their procedure will not be successful. If you’ve heard a horror story about a rejected dental implant post, we can’t say we blame you. However, at the periodontal practice of Stephen H. Grossoman, DMD, we can help put your mind at ease. The key is to be educated about the process, risk factors for implant rejection, and how your Concord periodontist can help. Contact us today to schedule your dental implant consultation.
Common Reasons for Dental Implant Failure
Today dental implants offer a safe and effective tooth replacement option, and with proper placement, they have a success rate of about 98%! However, there are times when a dental implant will be rejected. The most common reasons a dental implant will fail include:
- Infection in the bones or soft tissue
- Failure of the implant to fuse with the supportive structures
- Nerve damage during the implant procedure
- Sinus issues following upper dental implant placement
- Loading the replacement tooth or teeth too soon may cause the implant to come lose
- Patients who have metal allergies may not accept the implant and sometimes a patients’ body just rejects the foreign object
- In rare cases, the strong, high quality implant posts may be bent, warped, or cracked after placement
Symptoms of Dental Implant Failure
It’s essentially that you contact our office right away if you experience any of the warning signs of dental implant failure. We may be able to prevent this failure by intervening right away. Call us for an emergency appointment if you notice pain, sensitivity, or discomfort around the implant site, soft tissue inflammation, or the sensation that the implant is lose or moving within the socket.
How Your Concorde Periodontist can Help
Periodontists are dentists who have completed advanced training to better understand the gum and bone tissues that surround teeth. We specialize in treatments for these supportive oral structures. That makes us the ideal dental practitioners to replace dental implants. We know how to utilize the existing structures to restore natural form and function when combined with the dental implant post. We are also well equipped to intervene if issues with the implant do arise. Learn more about dental implant services from our team. We have the skill to safely and successfully place implant posts, we can prepare the smile with bone and soft tissue grafting, and we can prevent implant failure in many cases.
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